Infant and young Toddler
6 MONTHS – Less than 20 MONTHS
In the infant classroom the children are introduced to a class routine that is a flexible routine and is adjusted to meet by the infant.
They begin to eat, sleep and play at the same time every day.
The students are nurtered and conforted throughout the day.
Clase deLos Elefantitos
- 9:00 Bienvenidos / Welcome sign in
- 9:10 Snacks / Merienda
- 9:30 Outside Play Time / Tiempo de juego afuera
- 10:00 Floor play / Juego en el piso
- 10:30 Special activity of the day / Actividad especial del día: Yoga, Music and Movement, Reading and Cook
- 10:50 Story time / Tiempo de lectura
- 11:10 Diaper change / Cambio de pañales
- 11:30 Lunch / Almuerzo
- 12:00 Naptime / Descanso
- 1:45 Wake up time (diaper change) / Hora de levantarse (cambio de pañales)
- 2:00 See you tomorrow / Hasta Mañana!!!
- 2:30 Floor play / Juego en el piso
- 3:00 Snacks / Merienda
- 3:20 Diaper change / Cambio de pañales
- 3:40 Special activity of the day / Actividad especial del día
- 5:15 Outside play / Tiempo de jugar afuera
- 6:00 See you tomorrow / Hasta Mañana!!!