Our Classes

Infant and young Toddler

Toddler and young 2's program

Pre School

Pre Kinder

Infant and young Toddler

6 MONTHS – Less than 20 MONTHS

Los Elefantitos

In the infant classroom, the children are introduced to a class routine that is a flexible routine and is adjusted to meet by the infant.

  • They begin to eat, sleep and play at the same time every day.
  • The students are nurtered and conforted throughout the day.

Toddler and young 2's program

20 MONTHS – Less than 36 MONTHS

Los Leoncitos

This environment provides the structure that allows the student to grow and learn while comfortable and safe.

The activities in the Toddler classroom are developed to create learning and social experiences, through Play, Art and different activities.

Pre School

36 MONTHS – Less than 48 MONTHS

Las Jirafitas

The Preschool program is built around the needs of the three-year-old child. We have obtained this program from High Reach Learning, who have put much research into this program and have developed a well-rounded curriculum.

Your child will begin his/her school experience in a structured and loving environment.

This program is designed for children who are potty trained.

Pre Kinder


Las Cebritas

Our safe and enriching programs focuses on all aspects of creative learning. The students rotate to a variety of learning centers which offer items to help stimulate young imaginative minds.

Circle time, reading, music and morements, yoga, Art and more are included in the weekly program.

Amigos Spanish Preschool is an education program for children ages 6 months to 5 years old.

Things that I need to bring at school

Cosas que necesitas traer a la escuela

Make sure everything is labeled with your name

  2. Large backpack
  3. Lunch box
  4. Mat and blanket
  5. Extra clothes label with student name (t-shirt, pants or short, socks, underwear) in a Ziploc bag
  6. Zippy cup with water
  7. For infants/toddlers: Diaper, wipes, and crib sheet or sleeping bag 
  8. For infants/ toddlers: Diaper and wipes 
  9. For Pk-2: Diapers or pull ups (the one that opens on the sides) and wipes
  10. Remember to wear your uniform Monday Thru Thursday (School T-shirt or dress and khaki / Blue pants, shorts or skirt). Friday is free style.
  11. Beautiful smile

Asegúrate que todo tenga tu nombre

  2. Una Mochila grande
  3. Una lonchera
  4. Una colchoneta con cobija
  5. En una bolsita de ziploc poner ropa extra con el nombre del estudiante (camisa, pantalón largo o corto, medias y ropa interior)
  6. Una botellita con agua
  7. Pañales, toallas húmedas y una funda para la cuna para la clase de infantes 
  8. Pañales y toallas húmedas para la clase de infantes y toddler 
  9. PK-2: Pañales o pull ups (de los que se pueden abrir a los lados) y toallas húmedas
  10. Recuerda traer tu uniforme de lunes a jueves (Camisa de la escuela o Vestido y pantalón largo/corto o falda Azul o Kaki). Viernes es libre.
  11. Una sonrisa bella

$100 Registration 1 child



$130 Registration per family

Will be our to secure your child's spot.



To enroll at Amigos Spanish Preschool, you will need to complete an enrollment form providing information about your child.

Tuition support options

If your family needs help with tuition, there are state and local agencies to provide tuition subsidies. We proudly accept families using Texas Workforce Commission Child Care (ccs). Check their website for eligibility and more details.

Families involved in the U.S. Military are eligible for a 10% discount on their tuition.

If you enroll more than one child with us, we offer you 10% off your oldest child’s tuition.

Recommend us to a friend, and when they enroll full-time, you can receive a small tuition credit. 

Hours and Days


• Monthly tuition and fees will be deductible by Debit Card/Credit Card the first day of each month.

• Weekly tuition will be deductible by Debit Card/Credit Card the first day of the week.

Regular School Hours
9:00 am to 2:00 pm
Extended Afternoon Hours
9:00 am to 6:00 pm.
Extended Morning and Afternoon Hours
7:30 am to 6:00 pm.
